Seventh United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
New York, 13 - 22 January 1998

Original: ENGLISH


  1. Opening of the Conference

  2. Election of the President of the Conference

  3. Organizational matters:
    (a) Adoption of the rules of procedure;
    (b) Adoption of the agenda;
    (c) Election of officers other than the President;
    (d) Organization of work;
    (e) Credentials of representatives to the Conference.

  4. Reports by divisions and Governments on the situation in their regions and countries and on the progress made in the standardization of geographical names since the Sixth Conference.

  5. National standardization:
    (a) Field collection of names;
    (b) Office treatment of names;
    (c) Treatment of names in multilingual areas;
    (d) Administrative structure of national names authorities;
    (e) Toponymic guidelines for map and other editors.

  6. Toponymic data files:
    (a) Data collection procedures;
    (b) Data elements required;
    (c) Toponymic data transfer standards and formats;
    (d) Automated data-processing (ADP) systems;
    (e) Compatibility and structure of systems;
    (f) National gazetteers;
    (g) Other publications.

  7. Terminology in the standardization of geographical names.

  8. Measures taken and proposed to implement United Nations resolutions on the standardization of geographical names.

  9. Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the First Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.

  10. Exonyms:
    (a) Categories and degree of use of exonyms;
    (b) Principles in reducing the use of exonyms;
    (c) Provisional lists of exonyms.

  11. Features beyond a single sovereignty:
    (a) Policies, procedure and cooperative arrangements;
    (b) Features common to two or more nations;

  12. Writing systems and guides to pronunciation:
    (a) Romanization;
    (b) Conversion into non-Roman writing systems;
    (c) Writing of names in unwritten languages.

  13. Toponymic websites

  14. Toponymic education and practice:
    (a) Existing education and practice;
    (b) Training courses in toponymy;
    (c) Exchange of advice and information;
    (d) Exchange of personnel;
    (e) Technical assistance.

  15. Cooperation with national and international agencies and other bodies:
    (a) Cooperation with national agencies;
    (b) Cooperation with international organizations;
    (c) Cooperation with public information media.

  16. Country Names.

  17. Meetings and conferences:
    (a) United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names;
    (b) Divisional and interdivisional meetings and programmes;
    (c) National names meetings, conferences and symposia;
    (d) International names meetings, conferences and symposia.

  18. Economic and social benefits of the national and international standardization of geographical names.

  19. Arrangements for the Eighth Conference.

  20. Adoption of Resolutions and the report of the Conference.

  21. Closing of the Conference.

Source: CPCGN and UNGEGN Newsletter No. 20 (Oct. 1997). The agenda was approved by the Conference on 13 January 1998.
Estonian translation