
- Kertu Saul, Jelena Kallas, Kadri Muischnek 2025. Automatic Detection of Estonian Argument Structure Constructions on the Example of Caused-Motion Verbs. Slides UniDive 3rd general meeting, Budapest, January 28-13.
- Jelena Kallas, Heete Sahkai, Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Arvi Tavast, Kertu Saul, Raili Pool, Kristina Koppel 2024. (Konstruktsiooni)grammatika sõnastikus: miks, kellele ja kuidas. 20. muutuva keele päev | Tartu Ülikool.
- Jelena Kallas, Kristjan Suluste, Raili Pool, Helen Kaljumäe 2024. Estonian L2 Learner Corpora: current state and perspectives. Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR)
- Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Heete Sahkai, Jelena Kallas, Arvi Tavast, Kristina Koppel 2024. From a dictionary to a constructicon: Putting the basics on the map. 21st EURALEX International Congress Lexicography and Semantics.
- Jelena Kallas, Heete Sahkai, Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Raili Pool, Kertu Saul 2024. A pedagogically oriented constructicographic representation of the Estonian argument structure constructions containing infinitival arguments. The 13th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG13)
- Jelena Kallas, Raili Pool, Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Heete Sahkai, Kristina Koppel 2024. The case of the Estonian argument structure constructions containing infinitival arguments. 21st Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics 2024
- Ene Vainik, Heete Sahkai 2024. Using dictionary definitions to identify the semantic profile of an open slot in a construction. 21st Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics 2024
- Geda Paulsen, Heete Sahkai, Ene Vainik, Jelena Kallas, Kertu Saul, Arvi Tavast, Kristina Koppel, Katrin Tsepelina 2024. Towards the Estonian constructicon: the first vision. 21st Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics 2024
- Jelena Kallas, Raili Pool, Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen, Heete Sahkai, Kristina Koppel 2024. Estonian infinitival constructions from a Pedagogical Construction Grammar Perspective. Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy – CALP 4, Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, March 18–20, 2024.
- Carole Tiberius, Jaka Čibej, Jelena Kallas, Kadri Muischnek, Simon Krek 2024. UD syntax for the ELEXIS parallel sense-annotated corpus: a pilot study.
- Jelena Kallas 2023. Methodological issues regarding a corpus-based analysis for the development of the Estonian Vocabulary and Grammar Profile. Presentation at the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies (JAECS) spring workshop (13 May, 2023). Video.
- Jelena Kallas 2023. Aligning learners’ dictionaries with the CEFR: the case of Estonian Vocabulary and Grammar Profiles. Invited talk at the workshop on Profiling second language vocabulary and grammar. University of Gothenburg. Video.
- Raili Pool, Jelena Kallas 2023. Eesti keele kui teise keele grammatikapädevuse arendamise võimalusi ja vajadusi. Poster presentation at the 20th Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics 2023. The EAAL annual spring conference “Language − the user in focus”. Poster.
- Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen 2023. Kujundlik mõtlemine 2020–2022 keelekriisis. Presentation at the 20th Annual Conference of Applied Linguistics 2023. The EAAL annual spring conference “Language − the user in focus”. Slides. Video.
- Geda Paulsen, Ene Vainik, Maria Tuulik, Ahti Lohk 2023. Leksikaalisista kategorioista leksikografian ja kieliteknologian näkökulmasta. Sümpoosium Språkets funktion, Åbo Akademi, 7.-8.6.2023.
- Geda Paulsen, Ene Vainik, Maria Tuulik, Ahti Lohk 2023. From experiments to an application – a tool for detecting adjectives in Estonian. Presentation at the eLex 2023 conference Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Invisible lexicography.
- Ene Vainik, Heete Sahkai 2023. Using dictionary definitions to identify the semantic profile of an open slot in a construction. Presentation at the 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Poster.
- Arvi Tavast, Kristina Koppel, Margit Langemets, Silver Vapper, Madis Jürviste. 2023. Invisible meaning relations for representing near equivalents. Presentation eLex 2023 conference Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Invisible lexicography.
- Kristina Koppel 2023. From online dictionaries to language infrastructure: developments in Estonia. Presentation at the The 20th Annual EFNIL Conference.
- Tanara Zingano Kuhn, Carole Tiberius, Špela Arhar-Holdt, Kristina Koppel, Iztok Kosem, Rina Zviel Girshin 2023. Developing manually-annotated corpora for teaching and learning purposes of Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Estonian, and Slovene (the CrowLL project). Poster presenation at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2023.
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